
CONNI HOLZER, born 1988 in Lustenau, Austria

lives and works in Austria

Studio address: am Boehler 28a, A-6890 Lustenau

Contact: +43 650 49 33 292 / / /



2022-2023      Master Performing Public Space, Fontys University of applied arts, Tilburg (NL) – Master of Arts, Master Project: FEMonumental Transformances in Public Space. A transmedia performance art method to transform patriarchal monuments.

2012-2018      Holistic Art Therapy at Academy for Art Therapy Vienna, Diploma, Training in visual & expressive arts

2008-2011     Cultural and social anthropology at University Vienna,

since 2005    autonomous artistic practice (in visual and expressive arts)

2003-2005    private training in oil painting by Ernestine Van Mullen


l – live, v – virtual

2023 kuana brengt mi om/noone kills me Vol.2 live at Zuhause im Patriarchat, Bregenz (A), l

fluffy softness. A FEMonumental Transformance live at the Dr. Anton Schneider statue in Bregenz (A), l

bewahre/preserve live at Netzwerk St. Josef, Mils (A), l

2022 bewahre /preserve live at Kaplan Bonetti, Dornbirn (A), l

Kuana brengt mi om/ No One Kills Me – VOL.2 live at  Von Eva’s Töchtern, Mesnerstüble Rankweil (A), l

2021      Zwischenschau: Zwischenraum – eine Reflexionsspektroskopie (inter-show: the space in between – a reflexionspectroscopy) witt Claudia Michaela Scholz live at round72, Bregenz (A), l

Befreiungsakt (Liberation Act), performance video for Es reicht vollkommen einfach da zu sein – Kunstweg am alten Rhein (A), v

2020    Bewahre – eine Performance über das Verlieren, Finden, Berühren,  Sammeln und Bewahren von Würde (preserve – a performance about  loosing, finding, touching, collecting and preserving of dignity) via live stream & performance video, part of the project dignity and touchability in times of distance keeping  by the Max Himmelheber-Stiftung (DE), v

Failing (I grow) live at The Art of failure, Art Gallery Vienna (A), l

2019     As git mi (I exist) live at AusdrucksART, Götzis (A), l

Kuana brengt mi ôm (nobody is killing me) live at the art festival Was berührt dich?  in Lauterach (A), l

Froga, loosa, reda (asking, listening, talking) live at BOTTA Lustenau & Art festival Was berührt dich?  in Lauterach (A), l

Take your time live at Kreativwerksalon Bregenz & AusdrucksART (A) l



2024   Speaker at Symposium Exploring Public (im)Possiblilities, Tilburg (NL)

2022/2023 FEMonumental Transformance in rural public space. A transmedia performance art method to transform monuments of patriarchy into feminist monumental practices.



2022    Overpaintings Noone Kills Me Vol. 2, published in: Artists responding to… Contemporary art, culture and activism. Summer 2022 ISSUE3. Print Magazine.



Concept development, management, fundraising & curation for:

2021         art-path: Es reicht vollkommen einfach da zu sein – Kunstweg am  alten Rhein in Lustenau (A)

2019        art festival Was berührt dich? in Lauterach (A)


Download: Art Portfolio


Painting, drawing & installation / s – solo, g – group

2024 Transforming Schiller, part of House of Crinoline, Wagenhallen in Stuttgart (D)

2023 Angst Trauer Wut – Zuhause im Patriarchat / fear sorrow anger – at home in patriarchy, Honolulu Hotel, cooperation with the city of Bregenz (A), s

On bodies/spaces. re-imagined. Performing Public Space Graduation Exhibition, Tilburg (NL), g

2022 Würde / dignity – Kaplan Bonetti Kantine, Dornbirn, s

Von Eva’s Töchtern / About Eva’s daughters – curated by Nadine Moser femaleartmarket, Mesnerstüble Rankweil, g

Warum Kunst? /Why Art? – Exhibition by Ines Agostinelli, Künstlerhaus Bregenz, g

2021      Es reicht vollkommen einfach da zu sein – Kunstweg am alten Rhein  (Being here is totally enough – art-path) in Lustenau (A), g

feministival (the feminist festival) at Chybulsky in Feldkirch (A), g

Philosophy unbound – Hin-/Fortbewegung, F23 Vienna (A), g

round72, installation and digital art archive, Bregenz (A), g

Shame shouldn’t be a symptom at Improper Walls, Vienna (A), g

Exhibitionspace2021, online exhibition in five virtual rooms, s

2020    Die Kunst des Scheiterns / Art of failure, Art Gallery Vienna (A), g

2019     AusdrucksART in Götzis (A), g

Berührung in Farbe und Form (touchability in colour and form) at the art festival „Was berührt dich?” in Lauterach (A), s

Oil paintings at Wunderkammer (chamber of wonders) BOTTA in Lustenau (A), s

alive lines, at KreativWerkSalon, Bregenz (A), s

2018     Wachsen & Werden (growing and becomnig), art in the glasshouse at Rosenwaibel in Mäder (A), s

2016     Kunst(k)reise Artmosphäre, Academy for Art Therapy in Vienna (A), g



2020       Scholarship for the performance Bewahre from the  Max Himmelheber-Stiftung (DE)



IG Bildende Kunst (pressure group visual arts), Austria

Founding member & headwoman of Netzwerk freier Künstlerinnen* – Verein zur Förderung und Vernetzung freier Kunstschaffender (network of free artists* – association for facilitation and networking), Austria

art therapy: member of ÖBKT – Österreichischer Berufsverband für Kunsttherapie & ACT – Austrian Association of Art and Creativity Therapy



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